MC Foo Links - related pages
- gronk by jwz -- pretty nice
web frontend
- Lirc is the infrastructure for using infrared remote controllers
- IRMP3 is an IR- & LCD-targeted mp3 server
- Matt's MP3 Selector
is a monolithic curses-based mp3 player with some redeeming qualities
- NowPlaying!
has a dry homepage, but the freshmeat description tells us:
Now Playing! is meant for those of you who have several
computers networked, and want one central 'MP3 Server.' You upload
songs and it generates a playlist, plays the music, then deletes the
mp3 off the server. If the playlist is empty, it times out. After too
many timeouts, it loads a default playlist.
- Remote Disk Jockey is a smallish perl script with a telnet interface
- Sooloo Scroopt
is "An Intelligent Programmable MP3 Playlist Manager", you define
genres (with regexps) and later tell what genres you want to listen to
- request with good ideas
- GiantDisc, a GPLed Palm frontend
to Linux mp3 player.
Last Modified
02-24-2002 12:19.